
Thursday 10 July 2014


This is the last chapter in an ongoing story. You may wish to read the previous chapters if you are unfamiliar with the story so far!


The three doctors worked late into the night.
They used all sorts of tools to fix Kate's brain, like spanners, screwdrivers and other big noisy tools.
Kate knew about these tools because her Daddy had them in his shed and played with them when Mummy was annoying.

It was a long night. It was so long that Dr Bertie Beetle started to fall asleep.
Dr Hot Stuff and Dr Papa Bear thought that was very funny and had a bit  of a laugh.

Outside, Kate's Mummy and Daddy waited and waited.
They waited so long that it was almost tomorrow.
Lots of people stopped to talk to them while they waited, but Kate's Mummy and Daddy had forgotten how to talk because they were so tired.
So they went home and crawled into their beds and went to sleep.     
Suddenly the phone rang!
It was Dr Hot Stuff and he was very excited.
Dr Papa Bear was also excited.
Dr Bertie Beetle was asleep on the floor but he looked excited.
They were all excited because after ten hours they had fixed Kate's brain!!!

The following day everybody in the hospital knew that Kate's brain was no longer naughty and had been fixed.
Everybody was so happy!

                                        The doctors did a happy dance.
The nurses did a happy dance.
Kate wanted to do a happy dance but Dr HotStuff was very bossy and she was not allowed to move.

Lots of people came from far and wide to see Kate and her new brain.
They bought presents for Kate.
They took photos with Kate.
They even spoke to her on the radio.
Kate felt like a celebrity.
A celebrity is someone important for five minutes.

Kate wanted people to take photos of her clever doctors but they all pretended to be busy when 
Kate had visitors. Later on they changed their minds.
Dr Hot stuff had his photo taken with Kate and even smiled.
Dr Bertie Beetle had his photo taken with Kate later on too.
Dr Papa Bear was once more missing in action and did not have his photo taken with Kate.
This made Kate a bit sad.

Kate put the photos on her Bookface.

Dr HotStuff's photo made a lot of people become suddenly sick.
These people said they needed Dr Hot Stuff to make them better.
Kate asked her Mummy why these people were all women.
Kate's Mummy said she would explain it to her one day when she was a big girl.

People laughed at Dr Bertie Beetle's photo.
People laughed because Kate told them that Dr Bertie Beetle said his photo was "very Asian".
Kate asked her Mummy what an Asian was.
Kate's Mummy said it was someone who made a lot of money and worked very hard.
Kate did not know why this was funny and decided that adults were weird.

After three weeks Kate went home with her Mummy and Daddy.
Her Mummy was pleased because she no longer had to look for parking.
Her Daddy was pleased because he no longer had to eat hospital food.
Everyone was pleased because her brain was still behaving and maybe, just maybe she would not have to go to hospital for big operations anymore.
Kate was sad to leave all the doctors and nurses behind because they had become her friends.
Kate was especially sad to say goodbye to Dr Hot Stuff because he was very funny and made her laugh.
But Kate was happy that her brain was no longer naughty and she could go back home and go back to school.
She had missed everyone terribly.

(And that my friends is the end of the story!)

                                                                      THE END


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